Project Gantt

Map out your projects or releases schedule in a timeline-based Gantt chart.

View by

Expand the drop-down box and select view the Gantt by Projects or Releases. Then choose to group the work by Epic or Sprint.


Click on the filter options Project, Epic Status, Workflow Status Type, Work Type, Epic Owner, Epic Priority, or Work Priority to focus on specific items.

See Weeks, Months, or Quarters

The Gantt chart supports switching to view in weeks, months, or Quarters.

Sort by

You can sort the items by Start Time, End Time, or Priority on the Gantt chart.

Overdue work

Turn on the Show Overdue switch to view overdue reminders, making it easier to identify project/release delay risks.

Work Planning

  • Click on a work to view or edit its details.

  • Click on the blank space in the timeline to add a time interval to the work and modify the time interval by dragging and dropping.


Lightly create milestones on the roadmap that can be linked to multiple projects to better focus project members on goals in cross-project collaboration.

Note: Only users with project management permissions can create, edit, and delete milestones. Project members can view milestones.

Add Milestones to Gantt

To create milestones:

  1. Click on the date that you want to set the milestone.

  2. Enter the milestone name and select the projects to be related with

  3. Press Enter or click on the blank space to create successfully

Edit Milestones

There are two ways to edit the name and date of the milestone.

  1. Double-click on the milestone.

  2. Hover over the milestone and click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of the milestone card.

In the edit state, click the delete icon at the bottom of the card to delete the milestone.

Focus Mode

To enter focus mode: Click on the milestone icon or milestone card on the date, where the related projects will rise to the top so that you can focus on the target.

Last updated