Integration for Slack

Connect Slack with Leiga to receive project and work-related notifications in real-time, adjust work details and turn Slack messages to Leiga work.

Once Slack is integrated with Leiga(How to integrate?), anyone in the organization can:

  • Receive notifications of the changes on your Leiga work in Slack.

  • Turn the Slack messages to Leiga work.

  • Create Leiga work in Slack.

How to integrate?

Ensure you have Admin access to both Leiga integration settings and Slack Workspace.

  1. Click your avatar in the lower left corner in Leiga, and select Integrations from the menu.

  2. Find integration for Slack on the app overview page and click to enter or go to Setting > Apps and Integrations > Slack to add Leiga integration for Slack.

  3. On the integration for Slack page, click Get App to authorize the Slack workspace.

  4. You will receive a welcome message in Slack as soon as you integrate successfully.

  5. Authorizing multiple Slack workspaces is supported. You will find all the authorized workspaces on the integration page.

How to Receive Notifications in Slack?

  1. Find Leiga Bot app in Slack.

  2. Log in and authorize to use the integration.

Step 2. Personal Notification Settings

  1. Go to notification settings in your Leiga account.

  2. Select the events that you want to listen to and choose to receive the message via Slack.

Step 3. Automation

Create automation to notify yourself by Slack in a specific scenario.

Create Leiga Work from Slack

Turn Slack messages into project work:

  1. Hover over the message in the Slack conversation.

  2. Select Create issue in the menu.

  3. The selected message will be copied in the description(If the message content is less than 100 characters, it will also be copied to the title). Add a title and other information to create work.

Create Leiga work using the Command

  • Type /leiga create in the input box and press Enter

  • Select the type to be created in the pop-up window

  • Add the summary and other information to create work.

Respond in Slack thread to Comment

When you are mentioned in comments within work items or epics in Leiga, you will receive personal Slack notifications within the Leiga Bot. These persona Slack messages can be responded to in-thread to push a comment to the work item in Leiga.


1. How can I access additional support for this integration?

Please contact us at for any feedback about using Leiga integration for Slack. 2. Where can I access pricing information for Leiga?

You can visit this link for Leiga's pricing information:

3. How does the integration collect, manage, and store third-party data?

You can view our privacy policy here.

Last updated