Teams Integration
By integrating Microsoft Teams with Leiga, you can receive real-time project and work-related notifications, adjust work details, and turn Teams messages into Leiga tasks.
Last updated
By integrating Microsoft Teams with Leiga, you can receive real-time project and work-related notifications, adjust work details, and turn Teams messages into Leiga tasks.
Last updated
Download ZIP Package
Important Note:After installation, allow up to 24 hours for the app to become available throughout the organization.
Open the Microsoft Teams Admin Center, and in the left-hand navigation, select "Teams Apps".
On the "Manage apps" page, click the "Upload a custom app" button in the top right corner.
Select "Upload new app", and choose the ZIP file you want to upload from your local machine.
After uploading, the system will display the app details. Review the information, and click "Upload" if everything looks correct.
On the Teams Admin Center’s "Manage apps" page, find the custom app you uploaded.
Click on the app name to open the app details page.
In the app details page, locate the "App Status" section and ensure the app is "Enabled".
If the app is blocked (Unblock), you will see the option to "Unblock" the app. Click this to remove the block.
To install the app for the entire organization, click "Add to organization", and select the teams or groups where you want the app to be available.
In the Teams Admin Center, navigate to the left-hand sidebar andselect "Teams apps", then click on "Setup policies".
In the "Setup policies" page, select the policies you want to install or click "Add Policy".
Make sure the Upload custom apps switch is On.
Choose the scope of the policy, whether to apply it to the entire organization or specific teams.
Add the app you need to install under Installed apps.
Click "Save" to finalize the policy setup.
Log in to the Leiga admin dashboard.
Navigate to the “Apps and Integrations” page.
Locate and select the “Teams Integration” option.
Configure the necessary organization authorization settings and save the changes.
In the Teams app, locate and open the “Leiga-for-teams” custom app.
In the chatbox, type the command “auth” and send it.
A prompt will appear for personal authorization—follow the instructions to complete the authorization.
Click the "Open" button and enter "auth" in the dialog box,complete user binding.
In Teams, locate the chat message you want to convert into a Leiga work item.
Click the options button next to the message (e.g., the ellipsis button).
Select the “Convert to Leiga Work Item” option.
The system will automatically convert the message content into a work item in Leiga, where you can view and manage it.
Message Notification