
View Leiga Work in the Plugin

The tool window is divided into two panes when you select the Work tab:

  • The left pane displays a list of work assigned to you in Leiga. Use the filters to focus on specific items. You can save your filters with custom views.

  • The right pane displays the work details in separate tabs:

    • Details: You can find the work ID(click to view the work in the browser), summary, priority, status, workload, date, descriptions, and more custom fields. Click the elements to modify the fields.

    • Subtask: View all the subtasks of the work. You can modify the subtasks and click the Add Subtask button to add more items.

    • Comment: View and post comments to discuss with teammates on the work. Type @ to mention someone.

Save your filters with custom views

  1. Add filters to focus on specific work items.

  2. Name the views.

Simply Pulls Work Info to the Commit Message

You can quickly pull the work information to the commit message by inserting variables in the commit message template of the plugin.

Create Commit

To pull the work information to the commit message:

  1. Click the Create Commit button in the tool window.

  2. Select a preset commit message template, which is contained variables such as work ID and summary.

  3. Then the commit message with work information will be pulled to the git commit window without typing.

Commit Message Template Settings

To add a template:

  1. Click the + icon at the top left of the setting window.

  2. Name the template.

  3. Write the template content. You can insert variables or commands.

    • Variables: Summary, Work ID, Subtask Title, Work URL

    • Command: Complete Subtask(mark subtask as done)

To modify the existing template:

  1. Select a template.

  2. Modify the name or content.

  3. Click the OK button to save the settings

To delete the template:

  1. Select the template that you want to delete.

  2. Click the - icon at the top left of the setting window.

Create Merge Request

Create a merge request in your IDE:

  1. Switch to the Merge Requests tab.

  2. Click the New Merge Request button.

  3. Select the source and the target branch, add a title and description, then assignee to someone.

View your open request

Click My Launch to view all the open merge requests created by you. Click the items to open the details in Gitlab.

View the merge requests assigned to you

Click Pending Review to check the open request assigned to you. Click the items to open the details in Gitlab.

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