Import Comments
You can import comments to ensure your team has all the necessary context.
Step1. Getting started
You can use comments exported from another system, or prepare the import file using the provided template.
Work items need to be imported before comments can be imported. The work item ID is used to associate imported comments with specific work item.
Step2. Prepare import file
Include two columns in the file: ID and Comment. Rows with the same ID will have comments associated with the same work item.
For IDs used in the import file, the corresponding work items must exist in the project; otherwise these rows will not be imported.
Step3. Upload import file
Click the Upload File button to upload your prepared import file.
Step4. Finalize importing into Leiga
Click Start Importing to complete the import. After importing, view the results in the bottom left corner. In case of any failures, you can download the error file to review the details.
The creator of imported comments will be displayed as "Automation".
Last updated