Bug Tracking
Applicable to software development and bug management projects, it aims to improve the efficiency of information synchronization during the process of defect identification, logging, and resolution.
Notify {product owner} to confirm the defect when {defects} are created by non-{product owner}
Create Work
Add Fields Conditions - Work Type - Equal to - Bug
Personal Notification - Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email - Recipients: {username}
When a Git commit is created for a {pending} defect, change its status to {being fixed}
Create a Git Commit
Add Fields Conditions - Status - Equal to - To Do(Bug)
Modify Fields - Modify Status - In Fixing(Bug)
When a bug happening in {production environment} is defined as {blocker} or {critical}, change {priority} to {highest}
Create Work
Add Fields Conditions - Work Type - Equal to - Bug & Add Fields Conditions - Severity - One of... - Deadly, Serious & Add Fields Conditions - Environment - Equal to - Production Environment
Modify Fields - Modify Priority - Highest
When a {bug} is still in {To Do} status 5 hours after it was created, remind the {assignee} again
Fixed Time - Created Time - After - {5 hour}
Add Fields Conditions - Status - Equal to - To Do(Bug)
Personal Notification - Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email - Recipients: Assignee
When creating a Git commit with {fix} in the commit message, change the {bug} status to {Fixed}
Create a Git Commit
Git Commit Information - Includes - {fix}
Modify Fields - Modify Status - Fixed(Bug)
When the status of a {bug} is modified from {Fixed} to {To Do} or {Returned}, tag it as {Returned}
Field Update - Modify Status
Add Fields Conditions - Status - From... To... - From: Fixed - To: To Do(Bug), Returned(Bug)
Modify Fields - Add Tags - {Returned}
Last updated