Applicable to all projects and teams, involve notifying project members about various work-related focal points for specific individuals or designated roles.
Notify the assignee {1 hour} before Due time.
Fixed Time - Due Time - before - {1 hour}
Personal Notification Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email Recipients: Assignee
Notify {me} when a new {High Priority} {User Story} is created
Create Work
Add Fields Conditions - Priority - Equal to -Highest & Add Fields Conditions - Work Type - Equal to - Story
Personal Notification Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email Recipients: {username}
Notify the assignee when the {task} is deleted
Delete Work
Add Fields Conditions - Work Type - Equal to - Task
Personal Notification Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email Recipients: Assignee
Notify its {followers} and {assignee} when new comments are added to the work
New Comment
Personal Notification Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email Recipients: Assignee, Follower
When the subtasks of an {In Progress} {Task} are all completed, Modify its status to {Completed}
All Subtasks are done
Add Fields Conditions - Status
- Equal to - In Progress(Task)
Modify Fields - Modify Status - Completed(Task)
Last updated