
Applicable to software management projects, it aims to enhance delivery speed for both development and operations teams while reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.

DevOps Automation is available once GitLab/GitHub is integrated. With Git commits as the trigger, you can make task transfer and work updates sync automatically.

When a Git commit is created for an {In dev} task with {feature completed} in its commit message, transfer the task to {In QA} status.


Create a Git Commit

Add Fields Conditions - Status - Equal to - In Dev(Story) & Git Commit Information - Includes - {feature completed}

Modify Fields - Modify Status - In QA(Story)

When the Jenkins build status on a bug fix is success, modify the bug status to {Fixed}


Jenkins Build Completed

Add Fields Conditions - Status - Equal to - To Do(Bug), In Fixing(Bug) & Jenkins Build Result - Equal to - success

Modify Fields - Modify Status - Fixed(Bug) & Personal Notification Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email Recipients: {Owner}

when code builds taks too long in Jenkins, Notify the work assignee to troubleshoot problems


Jenkins Build Completed

Jenkins Build Duration - Greater than - 180s

Personal Notification Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email Recipients: {Assignee}

When a {User story} is released to the production environment, Notify the {owner}


Jenkins Build Completed

Jenkins Custom Params - Json Compare - {env} - Includes - {Prod}

Personal Notification Notification Channel: In-site /Slack/Email Recipients: {Owner}

Last updated